Real Living

How to Beat the Summer Blues


Hello my loves!! I hope y’all have all had a wonderful summer so far. Today, I want to share with you a few way to beat the summer blues. I know, its hard to believe that it is even possible to get the summer blues, but it can be easier than you think to get stuck in a rut during the summer. For example, right now I have been blessed with some down time, and I do not know what to do with myself. I am usually always busy with something, but right now I have nothing special going on so it gets kind of boring just being at home all day. Can I get an amen! Anyway, with all this down time that I have, I have come up with five ways to change it up a little and beat the summer blues.

  1. Treat yourself

Every time I turn around it always seems like someone is on a low sugar, low carb, low fun diet. I know tat we need to take care of our bodies because they are a gift for God, but it is okay to treat yourself. A few great ways to treat yourself is going out for ice-cream or  Dunkin, taking yourself out for a “nice” meal, splurge on your breakfast, or making a homemade goodie just for yourself. I will admit that sometimes I go a little overboard when it comes to treating myself, but sometimes you’ve got to just go for it.

2. Go shopping!

I am always down for a day out on the town for a little shopping! Literally, any opportunity I get, I go shopping, but that does not alway mean that I buy something. Sometimes all you need is a day out of the house surrounded by fabulous clothes that you cannot buy. I know for a fact that the simplicity of being around amazing clothes is calming. Call me crazy, but it’s true. I am the type of person that loves to shop, but can’t always buy. However, I almost never pass up a great deal.

3. Pamper yourself

I know that this kind of goes along with #1, but pampering yourself is a whole new level. Set aside a day to binge your favorite show or movie series. Do not be ashamed to watch chick-flicks all day. Do your nails, make a face mask, and eat whatever you want. Make this day about you. Spend some time on yourself for once, and believe me, you will feel better.

4. Have a pool day

I know not everyone has access to a pool, but for those of you who do, use it. I am blessed to live in a neighborhood with two pools, and I am realizing that I do use them enough. Sure, it can be a hassle getting everything together to get out there, but sitting by the water and soaking up vitamin D has the same feeling as retail therapy so don’t be afraid to get out there. Put on your cutest swimsuit; grab your towel, sunscreen, and some snacks; and get out there.

5. Go on an Adventure

I know this last one is quote vague, but everyone enjoys a different type of adventure. Personally, I would love to get a few friends and go to the mountains for a day. I love to hike, and it has been too ling since the last time I went. another great adventure would be a beach day. Unfortunately, I live too far from the coast to spend a day at the beach, but I would totally love a weekend at the beach. Another great adventure would be going to a closeish city that you have never visited and explore it. Charlotte peeps, Boone, Mount Airy, Monroe, Gaffney, and more are perfect for day trips.

This is just the tip of. the iceberg. There are so many fun things to do if you feel like you are suck in a rut. I know that if you do at least one of these five thing, you will chase the summer blues away and continue on enjoying your summer. I really hope that I have helped you somehow. Plus, if you have any tips on how to beat. the summer blues, I would love to hear them!

Much Love,


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